Friday, September 20, 2013

Week 4: The Future of Horror

The future of horror is an interesting topic to look into. I think it goes without saying that horror has gone it a number of different directions. One of these new trends in horror, now thanks to the power of the Internet spreading the word is “The Syfy Original” type of movie. Things like Sharknado and Sharktopus are strangely very widely know and and celebrated films, by a selected group. One that is profitable enough to continue making them. The so good it’s bad movie trend has really exploded in this generation.  The success of the Syfy & The Asylum films is really something interesting and is really building on “the bad movie” as these movies are of course meant to be bad. These films are made bad it's done for comedic value. Packed with bad CGI, cardboard characters, ridiculous monsters/titles, and awful acting.  So this is mix of comedy if is done by poor quality, is technicality, an explainable of genre mashing.

The idea of genre mashing isn't a totally new idea for the genre. It was probably one of the earliest to do so with the Horror & Sci-fi. The 50s were filled with that stuff and it's really a marriage of both genres made in heaven. I don't see this mashing come to a close. The newest trends in horror is the horror comdey, which ties in with the "Syfy Original" movies I mentioned. Horror seems to be a popular genre to parody as it has some of the most famous cliches in town. It's not just horror sci-fi and comedy though. Looking at a list of genres horror has mashed with almost all of them. Fantasy of course, History? Lincoln hunting vampires, Reality Show? Fear Factor I guess. I think that is something that not only horror but everything genre is going to be doing. However it will likely be horror that is the first to cross pollinate first.

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