Thursday, December 5, 2013

Week 10: Narratives From the Multi-verse

This week I read the “Drowned Giant” this week because it’s name sounds like name of a metal album. The story follows the fate of a drowned Nephilim’s body as it washed up on shore. The body is enjoyed by the community, but it is slowly taken apart piece by piece as the story unfolds until at the end only the torso remains and is left to decay on shore until it’s nothing but a grand perch
for the seagulls. Those pieces of the giant taken are found all over the town in pretty cool creative uses. (The tattooed skin wall is pretty neat) This of course is symbolism for something, so like I normally do I read a few articles I find on Google to see what others think about the piece.
 The common theme seems be that, the body is broken down because, it’s a massive reminder of our mortality and that have this dead giant such a massive reminder. I guess I can by that, I don’t know what they do with dead whales that wash up on shore but I assume it’s the same thing. I don’t know when this written but I think their maybe a holocaust metaphor in here too. As pieces of something start to fade people forget and stop believing they ever happened.

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